Sunday, June 8, 2014


Macam mana nk start ni...

Pic below was taken a day before Balqis off from the market and that was like 2 years ago. June 8th 2012.
Plan asal macam-macam...ialah 1st time went back to Shah Alam after almost 3 years (waktu tu la) konon nak masuk UiTM and pegi makan kat cafe menara (cafe Menara SAAS)..kt situ ada rojak and cendol favorite kitaorg berempat. Cendol tu x la sedap mana tp rojak memang best..rojak buah dgn kuah rojak yg tinggi kandungan gula tu..
Sejarah kitaorg berempat ni started way back in 2007..aku, izni, aza and balqis. Aku kenal Izni dari UiTM Machang lagi..back in 2004..and bila ktorg pursue ACCA dkt shah alam ktorg kenal aza and balqis..kenal aza on interview day lagi around May 2007..aza ni jenis mesra alam sikit..nak-nak dia seorg je dr uitm dungun at that time so dia ramah tegur and berbual dgn semua yg ada..sampai ktorg tertanya tanya...siapala budak ni..haha
Aku pula at that time kena interview sekali dgn santie kwn balqis dorg both dr uitm KK..santie unfortunately tak dapat offer acca tp dia rejected and sambung degree dkt uitm kuching. Berkait kait kan sejarah ktorg? July 2007 registered acca dkt shah alam...sebilik dgn izni and balqis..aza stayed outside..dkt s.7 rumah kakak dia..bermula la journey ktorg pursuing acca di shah alam...
1st semester..memang favorite ktorg mkn rojak and minum cendol before masuk kelas..biasanye kelas hari isnin before F5..waktu tu lecturer ktorg mdm.Tew..baik and lemah lembut je orgnye...kelas starts at 10 all the way sampai pukul 1ptg..kira kelas 3 jam la...and...sebab tu ktorg masuk pukul 10..letak bag..keluar balik pegi mkn and masuk kelas 30mins lambat..samseng tak? Haha sebab tak sanggup nak kelas lama-lama.. :( mdm Tew tak pernah marah and halang ktorg pun (otai la sangat kan) tak la...sebab dia syg ktorg lebih kot hihi dia taw ktorg lepak-lepak pun insyaAllah pass paper juga :) dan memang Alhamdullilah ktorg pass ppr tu at 1st attempt.
Cerita pasal ambil exam acca 1st time pun..mcm2 cerita...dah la ktorg start dgn F5 & F7 waktu 1st sem...2-2 paper tu 2nd week exam..isnin & selasa...stress tunggu...orang lain da hihi byebye dah weekend yg pertama  exam...ktorg blh tgk je dorg berlalu pulang ke kampung Alhamdullilah ktorg passed 2-2 paper at dec 2007's exam.
Cerita rojak tak habis lagi ni...lecturer tax (F6) ktorg setiap kali nampak ktorg mkn rojak mesti dia ckp.."korg mknla rojak..kuah dia je da berapa banyak gula.." hihi ktorg still makan juga :p
Berbalik pada tarikh 08.06.2012..akhirnya tak masuk pun melawat uitm..makan dkt area s.7 je..restoran nasi arab, malay owned (tak original sgt la) balqis at this time..macam serabut je nampak haha but fret not..dia sebenarnye cool je time ni wlupun bnyk bnda dia belum buat...veil dia pun belum siap walaupun masa makin suntuk..balqis..balqis...knowing her...mmg inilah balqis haha so ktorg ptt x risau pun.
When this pic was taken..izni dah pun bergelar ibu beranak this point of time ayra da lahir...da almost 8months dah..aku and aza single lagi time ni ;) (sekarang pun haha still enjoying life :) )..time flies..dah 2 tahun..esok 09.06 genapla 2 tahun perkahwinan balqis and amran..insyaAllah more to come...till jannah amin...
Sampai skrg pun..aku masih juga belum berkesempatan utk pergi blk ke cafe menara untuk menikmati rojak buah and cendol..ntah ada lagi ke tidak...dah nk 5thn since we left uitm...

Monday, June 2, 2014

Of last minute revision and a new job ^^v

Nite before my P4 exam at 3pm tomorrow, June 3rd 2014. I called my mom..for the last time trying to persuade her to allow me not to take exam..haha see..I can really do something unpredictable sometimes...2 weeks ago ive decided not to take exam...but after my revision class i feel like i can do it...why dont i just give it a try..but as the date approaching...i dont have the confidence anymore..oh ya..back to persuading my 28 by the way and yes..some things...i still ask for her opinion..or rather permission.. :)
Today I received a call..from the head hunter..i went for job interview last week..and the agent called me today to inform me that the company wants to hire me... ^^v yeay!!! To the new job..good job kay :) i even told the agent thank you for making my day with her call despite the gloomy weather lol kay
Since my last entry back in 2010 when i was still working in Serendah...ive changed my job twice.. nov 2010 i joined a BPO team outsourced AP/AR function to Sony SG at that time till early 2013..because Sony finally set up their own shared service in Manila..I left in nov 2012 i missed out on the so called 1 month bonus and also an Experia from Sony haha.
I left and joined a shared service company in Dec 2012..and now...i feel like its about time im leaving my comfort zone...why i said my comfort zone? Because ive been in the same industry (shared service/BPO) for almost 4 doing AP/Interco function also for almost 4 years..and im turning 30 very soon...if i didn't leave now...ill stuck here..forever...i need a career enhancement tho...
Oh yeah...actually i was offered to transfer treasury team..not exactly offered..i applied and went for interview then i was due to join in Aug..i went for interview in March tho..reason because my team still waiting for my replacement then only i can leave...and you know what these 4 months have done to me? Ive no longer interested in joining treasury dont think i can work with the team's manager...i mean staying back late is normal to me...but she kind of like having high expectation from her team...? Or is it actually im only looking for excuses not to join her? actually scared that i cant perform? Like..its actually me who has high expectation from myself? Im running away isn't it?...
But..ive been offered new taking it..oh before i forgot...i still have one more job interview this wednesday...i foresee someone call in for EL this wednesday haha its for account exect position..something that ive been looking for all this gonna give it a try on this one not greedy right?
I think my blog needs some make over..will do something about it..maybe on this weekend..

Sunday, June 1, 2014

A souvenir from Korea and #TBS

So I was asking a friend who went to Korea last 2 weeks for a Korea's spoon and know how korean's spoon and chopstick a lil bit diff from the normal one? Their chopstick is thin and flat and their spoon is longer than the normal spoon.
Last time when I was there i bought few pairs for friends but i bought in Daiso for ₩2000/pair..approximately RM6/pair so i was thinking that my friend will get me the same..
But nope...she bought me the souvenir set which cost ₩4000/pair..i know its only ₩2000 more expensive and i asked for 2 pairs so its ₩8000 approximately RM26 especially now when MYR is weakening..
What im trying to stress out here is...i just paid RM26 for 2 pairs of spoon and chopstick =.='' going there again in Oct but i cnt wait till oct to buy this on my own since this is actually requested by an acquantaince... is totally a different story with no link with above souvenir thingy.
I posted a photo on my instagram ystrday with #TBS..ystrday was saturday by the way hence the #TBS..but i guess i forgot that some is really ignorant and why i expect everyone knows what #TBS is?
Its actually a photo from my trip to Perth last December..Perth city view from the King's Park..i got a comment.. "Perth again?"
So what if im going there again? Yes im going there again for my sister's convocation but not now...and its #throwbackSaturday! =.=''
If i go there again and again and again every single it a problem? Im not even using their money not even ask for their opinion on it pffffft jealous people is jealous enough said ^^v